In the beginning... the world was created so we could all go fishing.
We’d like to think so.

Over three decades in refinement, TIAMAT Lures are now available to anglers worldwide.

Using material from the aviation industry and the finest paua shell sourced from around the globe, TIAMAT Lures are handcrafted using superior components and expertise not normally found in the tackle industry. The final product is elegant, displays flawless craftsmanship and is highly effective at catching fish.

Best Trolling Lures for Marlin - Tiamat Lures
Tiamat Lure Collections - Daylight
Best lures for Marlin - Tiamat Lures - Shown under UV Light
Tiamat Lure Collections - UV Light

TIAMAT Lure Series

Tiamat Lures - Dear Henry Series - Best Hawaiian Lures for Marlin and Tuna

Dear Henry Series

Tiamat Lures - Dear Joe Series - Best Skirted Trolling Lures for Marlin and Tuna

Dear Joe Series

Tiamat Lures - Jostle Series - Trolling Lures for Marlin and Tuna

Jostle Series

Tiamat Lures - Thrasher Series Collection

Thrasher Series

Tiamat Lures - Swagger Series - Collection

Swagger Series

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